What The Modern Elder Academy Taught Me About Transitions, Identify, and Purpose
I recently completed the Modern Elder Academy Seminar. It was an amazing experience. I took some time on Creating Your Encore Career to share my initial reflections on it.
Basics of the Academy
I’ve talked about The Modern Elder Academy in previous episodes of the podcast, but for those who don’t know, it’s built upon the idea that, as we approach midlife, there are things we should continue doing with our careers.
At about age 55, people start thinking of retiring but, at that age, we’re only halfway through our adult life. People are living longer and healthier these days and living longer will be more expensive.
This is what the whole premise of my podcast and the concept of Encore Careers is based on. The Modern Elder Academy serves in this area as well. It was established as a residency-based program in Baja, Mexico and, while COVID required changing that, it is now an amazing virtual program.
There are video elements of the residential program, recorded sessions from thought leaders, some “stretch” elements like poetry and other media, and reflection pieces built in. There are large live events spaced into the program with breakouts for smaller groups and weekly “cafes” that are loosely structured around the week’s content.
The program has both a generous amount of content and flexibility in the live sessions. There is time intentionally allowed for people to ask questions and share observations.
Transitions and Purpose
Two main focuses of the academy are transitions and purpose. Some of the main themes around transitions discussed in the academy include:
1. Personal
2. Physical
3. Psychological
4. Mortality
5. Professional
6. Purpose
When you’re in transitions like these, you must go through certain stages. First, you must acknowledge that you’re leaving something. Then, you must embrace the messy middle and let yourself be in “the soup.” Finally, you can start navigating your new beginnings.
During transitions, especially that of going from a corporate to an Encore Career, identity and purpose are so important. Why?
They help you move from achievement to significance
They move you from a Human Doing to a Human Being
They allow you to create a portfolio life
Learn more about The Modern Elder Academy here!