#117: Building Your Company of One with Dale Callahan
Today, we are going to be talking with Dale Callahan. I’ve known Dale for several years. He is an entrepreneur who has served and coached many start-up businesses.
Dale is also a university faculty member at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He teaches engineering and leads the executive graduate program in Information Engineering and Management as well as the entrepreneurship program.
Dale’s passion is helping people who want to take responsibility for their lives and break out of the corporate rut. He comes alongside budding entrepreneurs who want to take back control of their time, money, and life by teaching them they are a company of one. This means that, instead of teaching people to just leave their day job, Dale maximizes the things we all want.
What is it that we all desire? Control of our time (personal freedom), control of our income (not being controlled by our pay grade and 3% raises), and control of our lives (getting back to being in control instead of being controlled by someone else’s arbitrary system).
We'll dive deeper into these concepts:
How to create a value proposition based on your expertise.
How, even in your current job, you might talk with your boss about the value he needs from you.
How to figure out the pain points you’ll solve when creating your new business.
The surprising thing that Dale discovered about Chick-Fil-A’s target customer.
Now, for some action steps:
Check out Dale’s website and programs: http://www.dalecallahan.com/
Download the free worksheet: Three Steps You Need for a More Productive Workday
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I thank you so much for being here and I’ll see ya next time on Creating Your Encore Career.
— Lynn