#24: How to Find the Space to Lead
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In my previous four-part series, we focused on how to construct your business using the lean startup method.
Over the course of the next four weeks, we are going to turn the focus back to you, the leader.
As a leader, it’s important for you to build your skills and effectiveness.
In this episode, I am going to talk about Finding the Space to Lead, inspired by the book of the same name, by Janice Marturano.
Many leaders say that in a fast and busy world, they have problems creating space so they can think, learn and plan.
They receive an overwhelming amount of information and knowledge on a daily basis.
Attention and energy become a side note. All of this can lead to persistent worry and stress.
The answer? Focus on finding the space to lead.
So what's the upside of creating space and more mindfulness?
When we are paying attention and are fully present, we can do great work and we can do deep work.
We can also fully utilize our skills, knowledge and open ourselves up to allow for creativity.
I’ll explore this topic in-depth in this week’s episode.
We’ll dive deeper into these concepts:
The upside of creating space and mindfulness in your life and work
How to be present and some examples from Janice Marturano
Thomas Crum’s mindfulness approach using martial arts
Janice Marturano’s definition of a mindful leader
My challenge to you this week comes from the work of Janice Marturano.
Sit quietly and think of someone you consider to be a great leader. It could be someone you know or someone you’ve read about.
What are the qualities that come to mind when you think of them?
I also highly recommend you check out the book and the video linked below.
Next week I will discuss the importance of creating mini habits.
Resources and links mentioned:
Finding the Space to Lead by Janice Marturano
Video of Janice Marturano speaking on Mindfulness
Mini Habits by Stephen Guise
Deep Work by Cal Newport
Elite Road Warrior by Bryan Paul Buckley
Building a StoryBrand Podcast
Three Deep Breaths by Thomas Crum
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I thank you so much for being here and I’ll see ya next time on Leading the Factory Forward.
— Lynn