How can we as leaders in the manufacturing industry, keep up with the competition necessary to thrive?
We’ll discuss three essential parts to Industry 4.0 and why you need to know this information if you want to stay relevant and up-to-speed with advancing tactics.
This idea of Industry 4.0 represents the fourth revolution in manufacturing.
Here’s an overview of each Industrial Revolution Phase:
1.0: Mechanization through water and steam power
2.0: Mass production, assembly lines and electricity (think Henry Ford)
3.0: Introduction to computers and automation
4.0: Digital supply chains and enhancing the 3.0 phase with smart and autonomous systems.
In today’s episode we’ll discover:
What is Industry 4.o overview why it’s important
What to consider as you start your leadership journey within Industry 4.0
The necessary leadership skills and behaviors you need to advance in a technology driven era
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Deloitte - High Performing Manufacturers
McKinsey - The Great re-make: Manufacturing for modern times
The Digital Manufacturing & Design Jobs Taxonomy and Success Profiles
I thank you so much for being here and I’ll see ya next time on Leading the Factory Forward.
— Lynn