#132: You Need to Change Why You Are Smart in an Encore Career

Did you know that entrepreneurs actually decline between their 30’s and 50s? 

Most people assume that the more successful they are, they're less susceptible to becoming irrelevant later in life. The truth is, the greater our achievements are in our early life and the greater attachment we have to them, the more we notice how we’re not performing quite as well as we used to. 

In this episode, I’ll be sharing some insights from the books of Arthur C. Brooks, where he proposes that professional decline can come much sooner than you think. We also talk about how you can transition to your role using crystallized intelligence over fluid intelligence and get the most out of your encore career. 

We'll dive deeper into these concepts:

  • A brief background about Arthur C. Brooks

  • The contrast between poets and historians

  • The difference between fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence

  • The trap of achievement using fluid intelligence

  • Transition to roles using crystallized intelligence

  • Re-imagining how you are keeping score

Now, for some action steps:

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I thank you so much for being here and I’ll see ya next time on Creating Your Encore Career.

— Lynn

Episode 132

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