#134: Boomer Reinvention with John Tarnoff

As Boomers, we have to reinvent ourselves as companies themselves need to reinvent themselves. And one of the most effective ways to do that is to pull together different pieces of ourselves to create some value that we can bring to the table.

Today, we’re talking with John Tarnoff who had a long career in the entertainment business. After his tech startup went bust, he decided to go back to school to earn a Master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology – a branch of behavioral psychology that focuses on self-responsibility and self-forgiveness as pathways to healing and change. 

Now, fifteen years later, as a career coach, author, and speaker, his mission is to support professionals over 50 – to redefine, build and sustain second-act careers beyond traditional retirement. John wrote a book on this called Boomer Reinvention, How To Create Your Dream Career Over 50.

We'll dive deeper into these concepts:

  • Some myths around Boomer workers

  • Why freelance work can be a great fit

  • Why you need to find a tribe or network

  • Why even with a W-2 job, you should think of yourself as a freelancer

  • The importance of patience and persistence in working independently

Now, for some action steps:

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— Lynn

Episode 134

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