#147: Why I'm Teaching "You Are The Brand"

You Are The Brand by Mike Kim lays out “the 8-step blueprint to showcase your unique expertise and build a highly profitable, personally fulfilling business.” These eight steps are powerful and effective. They have helped me tremendously throughout my own entrepreneurial journey.

But what does You Are The Brand have to do with creating an Encore Career? As it turns out, a lot. In my coaching programs, I help you start your journey to having an Encore Career. Specifically, I teach you the why and what. You Are The Brand fills in the gaps by explaining how to do this Encore Career thing. It also helps you understand the when and who of running your own business.

In this episode, I explain a little bit more about what You Are The Brand is all about. I also go over what you will learn from it and why it is so beneficial to your Encore Career. Tune in to learn more.

We'll dive deeper into these concepts:

  • My experience working with Mike Kim and You Are The Brand.

  • What a unique value proposition is.

  • Why I’m teaching You Are The Brand.

  • The various “primary voices” you could choose.

  • Why you need to value your time.


Now, for some action steps:

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I thank you so much for being here and I’ll see ya next time on Creating Your Encore Career.

— Lynn

Episode 147

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