179: Developing Engaged Talent Through Mentoring with Ellin Sidell

Mentorship can be transformational for people who don’t yet see their potential. A mentor can help you realize your ability and propel your career forward.

Having a mentor can also help you create a network, and when you embark on your journey as an entrepreneur, you can reach out to that network for assistance. Those relationships can enrichen and broaden your level of expertise as well as offer new perspectives.

This episode of Creating Your Encore Career features Ellin Sidell. She recently left a 35-year career in the corporate world, working for companies like Nestle, Microsoft, and Costco, to start her own business. Today, Ellin uses her leadership and mentorship knowledge to coach others.

Making the shift from employee to entrepreneur can be difficult, but as Ellin shares with Lynn, her creativity and personal brand now knows no bounds.

We'll dive deeper into these concepts:

  • What led Ellin Sidell to become an entrepreneur after a successful 35-year-long corporate career

  • What her business does and what inspired its mission

  • How her life changed when she moved to entrepreneurship and the new skills she’s acquired

  • The definition of leveraged mentorship, how it can build relationships, and how it adds value

  • How peer learning can enrich your learning and development

  • The services Ellin plans to offer, what her brand will be, and how people can grow themselves

Now, for some action steps:

My Resources:

A quick guide to help you get started on your Encore Journey


My Website


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I thank you so much for being here and I’ll see ya next time on Creating Your Encore Career.

— Lynn

Episode 179

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