#39: Create Focus, Energy, and Momentum

What are your practices to create focused work? Why is focused work important? Maybe it is time to prepare for a client, a team meeting to organize others, or perhaps a meeting with an individual employee to discuss how they may be able to improve.


What are your practices to create focused work? Why is focused work important? Maybe it is time to prepare for a client, a team meeting to organize others, or perhaps a meeting with an individual employee to discuss how they may be able to improve. In this episode, I discuss three main elements of creating deep work and how you actually execute deep work. 

This is the third part of my four-part series on developing your leadership foundations to help you build your skills for the future. In this episode, I am concentrating on focused work. In the first two parts, we focused on habits of mind and habits of action. 

We’ll dive deeper into these concepts:

  • Deep work: what it is and how to do it. 

  • Distractions: the things that keep us away from our deep work.

  • Strategies for learning new tasks, technologies or skills—methods and practices to continuously work to always learn new things.

Now for some action steps: 

  • Make a list of 3-5 things where you could generate value for the organization.

  • Make a log of distractions so you can work to minimize them.

  • Listen to the next episode, which will be the last in this series and will cover the skills to lead yourself and others.

Resources and links mentioned:

Deep Work by Cal Newport

1st 20 Hours by Josh Kaufman

Ultra Learning by Scott Young


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I thank you so much for being here and I’ll see ya next time on Leading the Factory Forward.

— Lynn


Episode 39

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