#113: Building Momentum with Mindfulness and EI with Tony Saccardi


Today, we are going to be talking with Tony Saccardi. Tony worked at Fintech for more than 25 years as a consultant and technical director. For years, he loved his job. However, when he began falling into the trap of chronic stress, he knew he needed a change.

These days, Tony uses the tools and techniques from Emotional Intelligence and mindfulness to help people chip away at unhelpful habits. He also helps his clients peel off layer after layer of the limiting beliefs that are keeping them from being their authentic selves.

Tony’s goal is to help people find freedom from what’s holding them back and develop their own inner coach. The best possible outcome of his coaching would be his clients being set free to live a happy life with no regrets. 

In this episode, Tony and I discuss how he transitioned from Fintech to his Encore Career in coaching. We also talk about the tools and methods he used to heal from his chronic stress and burnout. Listen in to hear more from the amazing insights of Tony Saccardi.

We'll dive deeper into these concepts:

  • Tony’s journey from being an expert in the technology arena to coaching.

  • The pushback he has encountered in the business world when speaking about mindfulness.

  • How he developed his practice of mindfulness.

  • Why mindfulness doesn’t have to take tons of time.

  • How Tony helps leaders take mindfulness into action.

  • What to do if you’re facing chronic stress.

  • Some steps to consider when creating your Encore career.

Now, for some action steps:

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I thank you so much for being here and I’ll see ya next time on Creating Your Encore Career.

— Lynn

Episode 113

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