#123: Eliminating the Pain of Social Media with Lauren Davis

Lauren Davis is an expert on all things social media and business. She helps people with personal brands or businesses to develop their authentic “voice” on social media. Today she is joining us to discuss exactly how she does this.

Most of Lauren’s clients come to her because they know they need to be on social media and they know they need to be marketing themselves. However, they just have no idea where to start. If that sounds like you, tune into this conversation.

In it, Lauren shares how she helps entrepreneurs who are in this spot. She also explains how to transform your mindset around social media. She helps those of us who think social media is overwhelming and complicated by making it super fun and simple instead.

We'll dive deeper into these concepts:

  • How Lauren started her brand with a record store and gift boutique.

  • How she helps clients make social media “easy.”

  • Why she suggests that you treat social media like “real life.”

  • Her 30 second “PLAN” to improve your social media pages.

  • Why you should strive to be the best host of your small party on social media.

Now, for some action steps:

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— Lynn

Episode 123

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