#137: How to Improve Your Presentation Skills and Get People to Listen

Scared of presenting and putting yourself in front of people? There are ways to alleviate your qualms when presenting – and it’s all about getting into the right mindset, telling better, more meaningful stories, and being your most authentic self.

In this episode, we will be talking with Rick Davis of the Davis Presentation Group, whom I’ve known for several years. In fact, Rick helped me prepare for my first webinar and he taught me how to create engaging stories to help illustrate my content. He also provided me with key skills for presenting and connecting with an online audience.

Rick is a speaker and trainer with a professional performance background. His engaging and interactive presentations help audiences retain the material presented, so they can overcome their fears, share more of who they truly are, and enjoy more of their personal and professional lives.

Listen in to discover ways to CONNECT to positive sources, PLAY with ideas and interests that energize you and make you come alive, and PERFORM in the role you were always meant to portray!

We'll dive deeper into these concepts:

  • Lessons Rick learned from performing that apply to presentations

  • Some common mistakes presenters make that keep them from getting results with their audience

  • How can we tell better stories?

  • Other types of services Rick offers

Now, for some action steps:

Connect with Rick Davis:

Rick’s website


Connect with Me:



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— Lynn

Episode 137

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