176: Coaching and Entrepreneurs: What's Next? with Jason Frazell

Jason Frazell is a growth and leadership coach for high-impact people and teams. He has a background in tech and is an expert personal brand strategist. Jason has coached high performers and job seekers that work at some of the most prestigious tech companies, including Google, Meta (Facebook), Coinbase, and Spotify.

In this episode, Jason and I are sitting down to talk all about entrepreneurship. Because he has such a depth of experience working with entrepreneurs, he has some amazing insights and advice to share with all of us. He’s also sharing his top tips for making the sometimes overwhelming transition from working for someone else to working for yourself.

We'll dive deeper into these concepts:

  • Jason’s journey as an entrepreneur.

  • Things that helped him transition from being an employee to working independently.

  • The mindset shifts you must make when you become an entrepreneur.

  • Skills that will be very helpful when you first begin your Encore Career.

  • Why time and value aren’t necessarily the same thing.

  • What Jason sees coming in the new year.

Now, for some action steps:

My Resources:


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I thank you so much for being here and I’ll see ya next time on Creating Your Encore Career.

— Lynn

Episode 176

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