195: Creating Multiple Streams of Income as a Solopreneur

As a solopreneur creating your encore career, having multiple streams of income is crucial to building a sustainable business and achieving financial freedom. Today, we'll be discussing different income streams that you can explore to diversify your revenue sources. Specifically, we'll be talking about income streams for writers, coaches, teachers, and speakers.

My inspiration for this comes from my good friend and teacher, Jonathan Milligan, who wrote the bestseller, “Your Message Matters.”

We'll dive deeper into these concepts:

  • Writer Income Streams: Kindle Book, print book, audiobook

  • Coach Income Streams: 1-on-1 coaching, 4-week bootcamp, group coaching

  • Teacher Income Streams: 1-day virtual workshop, online course creation, membership site 

  • Speaker Income Streams: free speaking, paid keynote, paid workshop

Now, for some action steps:

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— Lynn

Episode 195

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