#38: Creating Habits of Action

This is the second part of a series on developing your leadership foundations. Last week I focused on creating habits of mind.  Today I focus on building habits of action.  How do you plan, organize, and execute your day?


This is the second part of a series on developing your leadership foundations. Last week I focused on creating habits of mind.  Today I focus on building habits of action

How do you plan, organize, and execute your day? How do you cut through the blinding storm of information and all the requests that are coming at you and actually make some progress each and every day? In this episode, I discuss four key concepts to help you plan your days and ultimately learn how you can improve in the future by taking the time to analyze things that happen.

We’ll dive deeper into these concepts:

  • Prioritizing tasks you want to complete and having a plan to accomplish this.

  • The importance of listening and being present in the conversation.

  • Effective meetings: focusing on the purpose of the meeting and why you are attending the meeting.

  • The importance of reflecting upon what just happened by using the military’s idea of “After Action Review” to find out how you can learn and improve.

Now for some action steps: 

  • Make a list of your top five projects and schedule three action steps for the project.

  • Remember to take some time to reflect on the week. Reflect on what was supposed to happen, what happened, what was learned, and what you can do differently in the future.

  • Listen next week when I discuss creating focus, energy, and momentum.

Resources and links mentioned:

Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity - David Allen,

Meetings Matter: 8 Powerful Strategies for Remarkable Conversations - Paul Axtell

Leader’s Guide to After Action Reviews - AAR (PDF)

Atomic Habits -  James Clear

Corporate Athlete - Jack Groppel and Bob Andelman


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I thank you so much for being here and I’ll see ya next time on Leading the Factory Forward.

— Lynn

Episode 38

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