#53: Help, Everyone is in the Home Office!

Imagine setting up your home office while your kids are doing their online schooling in another room. Welcome to the future of work!  In this episode, I'm interviewing the amazing digital strategist and copywriter Maggie Rowe.


Imagine setting up your home office while your kids are doing their online schooling in another room. Welcome to the future of work!  

In this episode, I’m interviewing the amazing digital strategist and copywriter Maggie Rowe. Maggie works with small businesses and entrepreneurs in digital marketing, and she’s been working from home for six years now.  

Today, she shares about what it’s like to do remote work and how it might help you and your family as you navigate the upcoming year. 

We'll dive deeper into these concepts:

  • The challenges of a home office and a homeschool house

  • Family routines and business routines we need to adopt in these new times

  • Technical challenges when working/studying from home

  • Why you should consider hiring remote employees

Thoughts for you as a leader:

Compassion and empathy: Working from home is a new concept for a lot of people so it’s going to take patience and compassion, and understand that people are doing the best they can. 

Now for some action steps: 



Maggie’s website: https://www.maggiemrowe.com/

TeamSnap: https://www.teamsnap.com/


Connect with Me:




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I thank you so much for being here and I’ll see ya next time on Leading the Factory Forward.

— Lynn

Episode 53

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