#60: Your Mindset is the Key to Your Success

Why is mindset important? Mindset is the linchpin that creates the foundation for your progress and success. Therefore, the kind of viewpoints or perspectives that you bring to your work - and your life - make all the difference in what you can accomplish and create.  In this episode, I am talking about how you, as a leader, can achieve the right mindset that's geared towards success - so you can always keep moving forward!


Why is mindset important?

Mindset is the linchpin that creates the foundation for your progress and success. Therefore, the kind of viewpoints or perspectives that you bring to your work – and your life – make all the difference in what you can accomplish and create. 

In this episode, I am talking about how you, as a leader, can achieve the right mindset that’s geared towards success – so you can always keep moving forward!

We'll dive deeper into these concepts:

  • Having a growth versus a fixed mindset

  • Examining your identity habits and mindset

  • Some examples of perspectives to help shape your mindset

  • How paying attention to how you eat, move, and sleep can affect your mindset

  • The manifesto for a leader

Some thoughts for you as a leader:

  • Identity habits are not just goals, but who you want to be. Create small steps to demonstrate your identity.

  • You’re accountable for all. You’re going to be responsible and you have to do everything you can to make the whole organization successful.  

Now, for some action steps:

Connect with Me:




Mindset by Carol S. Dweck


Atomic Habits by James Clear


Paul Axtell’s website


Eat, Move, Sleep by Tom Rath


Well Being by Tom Rath


Your Message Matters by Jonathan Milligan



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I thank you so much for being here and I’ll see ya next time on Leading the Factory Forward.

— Lynn

Episode 60

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