#63: Personal Branding with Jennifer McClure

In this episode, DisruptHR CEO Jennifer McClure talks about personal branding and how you can effectively use your LinkedIn profile to build your brand. Jennifer has been a featured speaker at over 350 HR events both in the U.S. and around the globe.


In this episode, DisruptHR CEO Jennifer McClure talks about personal branding and how you can effectively use your LinkedIn profile to build your brand.

Jennifer has been a featured speaker at over 350 HR events both in the U.S. and around the globe. She has been sharing her knowledge on the Future of Work, Talent Strategies, and Developing High Impact Leadership.

With her knowledge on both sides of the hiring and talent development process, she will share her journey, some key ideas to consider when developing your brand, and how you can most effectively share your story in today’s marketplace. 

We'll dive deeper into these concepts:

  • Her journey and how that might give you some ideas

  • Her thoughts on using LinkedIn

  • Some ideas on the modern resume

  • How to build your network

Now, for some action steps:


Jennifer McClure’s website: https://jennifermcclure.net

Jennifer’s blog (where you can find a resource on branding): https://jennifermcclure.net/blog/

DisruptHR’s website: https://disrupthr.co/ 

Connect with Me:



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— Lynn

Episode 63

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