#151: Takeaways from Your Message Matters

Your Message Matters is a book by Jonathan Milligan all about how to transform your passion into a platform. He sponsored a conference of the same name that is centered around the book. His mission is to help people create their own businesses that they’re interested in.

Today, I want to share some of my takeaways from the conference. There were parts of it that really stood out to me and helped me in my own business. This episode is all about passing those things on to you. I’ll also share about the process of the conference as a whole.

Your message does matter. That’s what Jonathan shared and what I want to make sure you know as well. So tune in to hear all about the conference and learn some practical steps for getting your message out into the world, especially as you embark on an Encore Career!


We'll dive deeper into these concepts:

  • Some of the content that was taught at the seminar.

  • What Podmatch is.

  • How to host a webinar or training.

  • The action steps I took after the seminar.

  • Excellent design elements of the seminar.

  • How it mixed virtual and in-person elements.


Now, for some action steps:

Connect with Me:




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I thank you so much for being here and I’ll see ya next time on Creating Your Encore Career.

— Lynn

Episode 151

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