Embracing the Encore: Why Creating an Encore Career After 60 is a Game-Changer

The notion of retirement is undergoing a significant transformation. Gone are the days when retiring meant permanently stepping away from all forms of employment to live a life of leisure. Today, more individuals are choosing to extend their professional lives well into their 60s and beyond. But why this shift? Chris Farrell’s book, Unretirement, sheds light on why embracing an encore career post-60 can be not just beneficial, but essential.

1. Economic Contribution of Older Adults

Traditionally, older adults have been viewed as dependents rather than contributors. However, as Farrell points out, this is a myth that needs debunking. Individuals over 60 bring a wealth of experience and wisdom that can significantly benefit the economy. Their participation in the workforce can boost productivity and bring diverse perspectives that enhance problem-solving and creativity in professional environments.

2. Financial Necessity

For many, the decision to continue working past retirement age is driven by financial necessity. With increasing life expectancy, the financial demands of supporting a longer retirement phase can be challenging. An encore career provides not just a steady income but also helps in maintaining financial independence and security.

3. Desire for Engagement and Purpose

Work provides more than just economic benefits; it offers a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Continuing to work or volunteering in a field you are passionate about can enrich your life immensely, keeping you mentally and physically active. Engaging in meaningful work can help maintain identity, self-confidence, and personal fulfillment.

4. Health and Well-being Benefits

There is substantial evidence suggesting that staying active through work or other pursuits leads to improved health and prolonged mental acuity. According to Farrell, work can also provide a social outlet, helping to combat loneliness and depression, which are common concerns among retirees. The structure and routine that work offers can contribute to better physical and mental health outcomes.

5. Opportunities in the Gig Economy

The rise of the gig economy and flexible work arrangements has opened new doors for seniors who wish to continue working without committing to a full-time job. Opportunities such as freelancing, consulting, or part-time jobs provide the flexibility to work at one’s own pace and according to personal schedules, making it easier for older adults to balance work with other life commitments.

6. Learning and Growth

Farrell emphasizes the importance of lifelong learning and staying abreast of new technologies and skills. Many seniors find joy in learning new skills that not only make them more competitive in the job market but also enrich their personal lives. With numerous resources available, such as online courses and workshops tailored for older adults, the opportunity for growth is limitless.

7. Policy and Workplace Adaptations

There is a growing need for policies and business practices that support seniors in the workforce. This includes creating age-friendly work environments and offering training programs tailored to older employees. Businesses that adapt to accommodate the aging population will benefit from the reliability, loyalty, and expertise of older workers while supporting a more inclusive and diverse workforce.

Conclusion: The Road Ahead

Creating an encore career after 60 is more than a financial necessity; it is an opportunity for personal growth, social engagement, and active participation in society. As explained in “Unretirement,” by continuing to work, seniors can enjoy a healthier, more fulfilling, and financially stable life.

So, if you find yourself contemplating life after the conventional retirement age, consider the possibilities that an encore career offers. It could be not just a means to an end but a rewarding continuation of your life’s work, filled with freedom, flexibility, and fulfillment. Embrace this opportunity to redefine retirement on your terms and make your golden years truly shine.

Let’s work together? Book a call with me here!

Embracing Tiny Habits for a Transformative Encore Career

Couple engaging in small, impactful habits such as writing a gratitude journal while having a healthy breakfast

At the heart of every significant change is the courage to take the smallest step. This is a philosophy profoundly emphasized in BJ Fogg's book Tiny Habits, which teaches that monumental achievements stem from the tiniest beginnings. As someone who has navigated the complex waters of life's transitions, I can personally attest to the power of tiny habits. Through my own journey and professional insights, I've seen how small, consistent actions can lead to substantial transformations in our lives and careers.

The Challenge of Starting

I have always been good at making plans and being inspired by new ideas, but I struggled with getting started and implementing them. This common hurdle often stops many before they even begin. However, I discovered the secret to overcoming this through Tiny Habits. The method taught me the importance of breaking down grand plans into manageable, almost minute actions.

Tiny Habits in Action

The Tiny Habits method starts with identifying a simple behavior that can be added into daily life effortlessly. For me, aiming to carve out an encore career in coaching and consulting post-retirement, it began with dedicating just a few minutes each morning to reading up on industry trends. This habit was anchored to my morning coffee—a routine that already existed, making the new habit easier to remember and adopt.

Celebration of Small Wins

I quickly learned the importance of celebrating small wins, a core principle of the Tiny Habits methodology. Each day, after completing my reading, I would take a moment to acknowledge this progress. This act of celebration not only reinforced my behavior but also built momentum, making these small actions a regular part of my life.

A New Chapter Opens

As these tiny habits solidified, they began to reshape my daily routine and, consequently, my life. My initial efforts to stay updated on industry trends expanded. I began to network, share my knowledge through a blog, and eventually, launch a podcast. Today, my podcast boasts over 225 episodes, each a reflection of my journey and dedication to continual learning and sharing.

Beyond Retirement: A Canvas for Growth

Retirement, often seen as the conclusion of active professional life, was just the beginning for me. I viewed it as an opportunity to redefine productivity and purpose. With tiny habits, I crafted an encore career that not only utilized my vast experience but also brought me joy and fulfillment.

The Role of Questions and Continuous Improvement

My transformation was not just about forming habits but also about the introspection that comes with it. I was inspired by thought leaders like Tim Gallwey and Leo Babauta, who emphasize the impact of the questions we ask ourselves. "What tiny step can I take today that brings me closer to my encore career?" This question prompted me daily, guiding my gradual but steady progress.

An Invitation to Transform

My story is not just a narrative of personal achievement but also a call to action for anyone standing at the crossroads of retirement or career transition. I invite you to explore the power of tiny habits to build a life aligned with your deepest aspirations.

"Welcome to an inspiring journey into the world of possibilities that await you in your Second Act of life," I encourage. Through my website and resources, I offer guidance and a roadmap tailored to the unique talents and goals of those I mentor.


Tiny habits might appear insignificant at first glance, but their impact can be life-changing. By focusing on the smallest actionable steps, I transformed my post-retirement life into a vibrant tapestry of coaching, podcasting, and continuous growth. My journey underscores that we are not just what we aspire to be, but what we repeatedly do. Tiny habits are the threads by which we can weave a remarkable tapestry of our lives and careers, even beyond retirement.

Interested in working together? Book a call with me today!

Navigating Modern Careers: Insights from "The Portfolio Life" by Christina Wallace

In the serene journey of life, as we tread softly into the golden years, the tapestry of our professional endeavors often yearns for a final, vibrant thread. It's a time when the heart seeks not just the comfort of familiar shores but the thrill of new horizons. The world around us, ever so transient, whispers of changes, of shifts from the singular, steadfast paths of you to a mosaic of myriad pursuits. This is the essence of "The Portfolio Life," a beacon for those of us navigating the waters of career transition, particularly as we embrace the latter stages of our professional lives.

I spoke of this very transition in Episode 133 of my podcast, a dialogue deeply inspired by Christina Wallace's seminal work, The Portfolio Life is not just a concept but a guiding philosophy for crafting an encore career that embodies flexibility, fulfillment, and financial stability. It's a narrative that resonates with my mission to aid individuals aged 55+ through significant life transitions, offering a blueprint for a career composed of diverse streams of income, experiences, and skills.

Adaptability and Lifelong Learning: Your Encore Career Compass

At the heart of "The Portfolio Life" lies the twin principles of adaptability and lifelong learning. For those of us pondering the contours of an encore career, these principles illuminate the path forward. Our rich tapestry of experiences is not merely a relic of the past but a treasure trove for the future. By adopting a mindset of perpetual learning and flexibility, we equip ourselves to navigate the evolving landscapes of work and the opportunities they present.

Identifying Skills and Pursuing Passions with Purpose

One of Wallace's most compelling messages—and a recurring theme in my discussions—is the importance of introspection. Delving into our professional and personal journeys allows us to uncover unique skills and passions. This reflective process can reveal new avenues that align with our deepest values and interests, illuminating paths where our accumulated wisdom finds new expression, be it through consulting, mentoring, or entirely new ventures.

Financial Stability and Time Management: Encore Essentials

Embarking on an encore career often brings with it the dual challenges of ensuring financial stability and managing time effectively. Wallace's insights offer innovative strategies for navigating these challenges, highlighting the gig economy's role in a portfolio career that melds passion with pragmatism. Effective time management becomes crucial, especially for those juggling caregiving duties or other commitments. In this realm, "The Portfolio Life" emerges as a valuable guide, providing practical advice to balance our endeavors without compromising our work's quality or our well-being.

The Power of Community in Crafting Your Encore Career

Perhaps the most refreshing insight from "The Portfolio Life" is the emphasis on community and collaboration. Our encore careers are not cultivated in isolation but thrive within networks of support and shared knowledge. My own journey, and those of many others who have navigated career transitions, underscore the importance of building connections. These communities offer not just practical support and resources but also serve as fountains of inspiration and encouragement.

Envisioning the Future: Encore Careers and Society

Wallace's reflections on the societal implications of shifting toward portfolio careers offer a visionary outlook on the future of work. As more individuals embrace this flexible, diversified approach, we're likely to witness transformative changes in workplace structures, value systems, and definitions of success. This evolution resonates with the desires of many embarking on encore careers for work that is not only financially rewarding but also personally fulfilling and socially meaningful.

A Call to Action: Embracing Your Encore Career Journey

In conclusion, "The Portfolio Life" by Christina Wallace stands as both a guide and an inspiration for those on the threshold of their encore careers. Through adaptability, lifelong learning, and the strategic pursuit of passions, we're presented with the opportunity to craft a second act that echoes our deepest values and aspirations.

The journey toward an encore career, as deliberated in my podcast, is laden with challenges. Yet, armed with the insights from Wallace's work and our reservoir of experiences, we're poised to navigate this journey with confidence and purpose. The portfolio life transcends a mere career strategy; it's a philosophy that celebrates diversity, flexibility, and the pursuit of passion at any life stage.

As we explore the possibilities of our encore careers, let's draw upon the wisdom of "The Portfolio Life," enriched by our personal narratives, to forge a future that is as rewarding as it is impactful. Together, we can embrace the adventure of this next phase, building careers that not only fulfill us but also contribute to the greater good.

Book a call with Lynn today to explore your portfolio life and embark on a journey towards living a truly fulfilling life.

Embracing Slow Productivity for a Successful and Fulfilling Encore Career

As I sit here, reflecting on the myriad of experiences that have painted the canvas of my life, I can't help but feel a sense of excitement for what the next chapter holds. You see, stepping into an encore career is like embarking on a grand adventure, one that promises not just new challenges but also immense satisfaction and fulfillment. And if there's one guiding principle that I've come to embrace in this journey, it's the concept of slow productivity.

The idea, though it might seem counterintuitive in today's fast-paced world, isn't about reducing our work output but about enhancing the quality of what we do and how we do it. Cal Newport, a thought leader in this arena, has shed light on the importance of focusing on a few essential tasks, fostering an environment conducive to deep work, and minimizing distractions to elevate our productivity. By adopting these practices, we position ourselves to thrive in our encore careers, ensuring they are not only successful but also deeply rewarding.

Prioritizing Essential Tasks

At the heart of slow productivity is the notion that "less is more." In our encore careers, this means honing in on tasks that yield the greatest impact. The allure of multitasking and spreading ourselves thin across numerous projects is a mirage that often leads to burnout rather than accomplishment. Instead, identifying and dedicating ourselves to a handful of priorities can lead to profound satisfaction and notable achievements.

In my own coaching practice, for instance, I've learned to concentrate on client consultations, crafting insightful content, and pursuing professional development. This focused approach not only ensures that I deliver exceptional value to those I serve but also fosters my growth as an individual and a professional.

Creating a Deep Work Environment

Achieving meaningful work requires undivided attention and a space that nurtures concentration. Deep work, a term popularized by Newport, is about immersing ourselves in tasks that demand cognitive effort without succumbing to distractions. This might involve strategies such as time blocking to reserve specific slots for focused work, establishing clear boundaries with our loved ones to protect our work time, and curtailing the habitual scroll through social media.

Scheduling Downtime and Embracing Rest

Integral to the philosophy of slow productivity is the recognition of rest as a cornerstone of sustained performance and creativity. It's crucial to carve out time for relaxation and pursuits that rejuvenate our minds and spirits. Whether it's through reading, strolling in nature, meditation, or indulging in a hobby, these moments of repose are not just beneficial for our well-being; they are essential.

Fostering a Growth Mindset

A growth mindset, the belief in the potential for development and learning through perseverance and effort, is vital in our encore careers. This perspective encourages us to seek out new knowledge, reflect on our experiences, and welcome feedback as opportunities for advancement. Viewing challenges as stepping stones rather than obstacles can profoundly influence our journey, propelling us toward our goals with resilience and adaptability.

Cultivating Meaningful Relationships

No career, encore or otherwise, thrives in isolation. The relationships we nurture play a pivotal role in our success and fulfillment. Surrounding ourselves with individuals who share our aspirations and values opens doors to new opportunities, insights, and support networks. By engaging in community events, joining forums, and seeking mentorship, we lay the groundwork for a thriving professional ecosystem.

In closing, the path to a successful and fulfilling encore career is paved with intentionality. By embracing the principles of slow productivity—prioritizing what truly matters, fostering deep work, valuing rest, cultivating a growth mindset, and building meaningful connections—we set the stage for a chapter of life that's not only productive but also enriching and enjoyable. Let us step into this adventure with open hearts and minds, ready to embrace all the possibilities it holds. Visit LynnFriesth.com for more insights and guidance on navigating your encore career with purpose, freedom, and flexibility. Together, let's craft a narrative of success, grounded in the principles of slow productivity.

If you’re thinking about starting an Encore Career and aren’t sure what the transition will look and feel like, book a quick call with me to learn more.

I’d love to hear your thoughts…

Embrace the Benefits of Working in Retirement

The moment you officially retire does not necessarily mean you must completely stop working. In fact, by continuing some form of work during retirement, you can reap many rewards that can make your golden years truly shine.

Keeps Your Mind Sharp and Learning

Retirement provides the perfect opportunity to continue expanding your knowledge into new territories. By taking on post-retirement work, whether part-time, as a consultant, volunteering, or even starting a business, you maintain a growth mindset.

At this stage, it's not about the ambition of climbing the corporate ladder anymore. Instead, it becomes more about personal development, learning new skills that interest you, and keeping your mind active. You may decide to learn new technologies, foreign languages, craftsmanship abilities—the options are endless according to your interests! An active and engaged mind is a healthy one.

Builds Social Bonds

Part-time and volunteer work allow you to connect with like-minded people who share your passions or ideas. Being part of a collaborative team, where you can share creative concepts and work towards common objectives, can be incredibly socially rewarding. It helps you build meaningful friendships and a sense of community, allowing you to play an active part in the world around you. The social benefits of working in retirement are just as critical as the mental stimulation.

Provides Financial Security

While money should ideally not be the prime motivator if you already have adequate retirement savings, continuing to work part-time certainly provides extra financial cushioning. The additional income allows for more flexibility and comfort to pursue activities you enjoy during retirement. It reduces financial stress and grants peace of mind.

Keeps You Energized and Active

Sitting idle at home every single day during retirement can become monotonous and dull rather quickly. Continuing some form of work keeps you physically and mentally active. It gives you a sense of daily purpose and structure, which is incredibly important for long-term health. Staying active can also help reduce the risk of illnesses like heart disease and osteoporosis.

Working to some degree in retirement—whether part-time, as a consultant, volunteering, or even starting a small business—provides tremendous mental, social, financial, and physical benefits. All of these combined lead to a longer, more fulfilling, and engaged retired life. So why not make it part of your own retirement plan?

Embrace the possibilities that working in retirement offers. It's not about the daily grind anymore; it's about enriching your life in more ways than one. Whether you choose to explore new passions, help others through volunteering, or start a small venture, working during retirement can open doors to a vibrant and fulfilling future.

So, make the most of your retirement and consider how you can incorporate work into this exciting phase of life. It's a journey worth taking.

Thoughts? I’d love to hear them.

Silver Sparks: Retired Folks Shaking Up the Workplace!

Today, I want to share a heartwarming story about a topic that's close to my heart - retirees reshaping the work terrain. You see, in my ripe old age of 70, I've come to realize the value that retirees can bring to the workplace. It's not just about us finding renewed purpose; it's about creating a more inclusive and dynamic work environment for everyone.

Traditionally, retirement was all about kicking back, relaxing, and enjoying life's simple pleasures. But as many of us retirees have discovered, it can also bring feelings of irrelevance and disengagement. That's where the Silver Sparks come in - a growing number of retired professionals choosing to re-enter the workforce.

The Transition

You might wonder, why would anyone want to go back to work after retirement? Well, it turns out that this transition isn't just about keeping busy; it's about sharing the wisdom and skills we've accumulated over the years. It's about staying mentally engaged and active. And for organizations, it's about embracing age diversity.

Age Diversity Matters

In our quest for diversity and inclusion, we often focus on aspects like race, gender, and sexual orientation, but age diversity deserves its place in the spotlight too. Shockingly, a study found that only 8% of companies include age in their diversity and inclusion strategies. We seniors have so much to offer in terms of experience, knowledge, and perspectives that span different age groups.

Mentoring the Younger Generation

One of the beautiful aspects of seniors returning to work is the opportunity for us to mentor the younger generations. We serve as bridges across experience levels, passing on our extensive knowledge and expertise. In my experience, working with the younger generation is exciting. With experience you often see the bigger picture and how the whole systme works vs just pieces. You can’t tweak one piece and not realize how it will affect the entire project or vision. Likewise, the younger generation will ask questions that I’ve taken for grated at this stage of life. For example, why do you turn off you cell phone when you’re not using it? Taking a step back to reevaluate what we take for granted is welcomed when you’re working with a younger generation. Our decades of industry-specific insights can help younger professionals grasp nuances that might otherwise take years to learn.

But it's not just about technical expertise; it's also about soft skills like leadership and communication. We become career guides, helping our younger colleagues set practical goals and expand their networks. This mentorship fosters career growth and self-confidence, creating a culture of learning and excellence.

Impact in the Social Sector

Retired professionals are a hidden treasure for non-profits and social organizations. Many of us are eager to contribute to causes we're passionate about. Part-time and full-time roles in the social sector provide the perfect outlet for us to channel our skills and expertise towards making a positive impact.

Our contributions in areas like finance, human resources, strategic planning, program management, and mentorship can elevate the sector's potential for change. This choice stems from our sense of purpose and the drive to create a tangible difference, fueled by both skills and passion.

The Retiree's Perspective

Retirement is undoubtedly a moment of accomplishment, but it often leaves us searching for renewed purpose. The absence of a structured routine and professional validation can create a void. Returning to work, even in a smaller capacity, offers the chance for meaningful engagement, providing both occupation and renewed purpose.

Post-retirement work keeps our minds sharp, preserving mental agility and lifelong skill refinement. It reminds us of the significance of our contributions, restoring feelings of respect and relevance. Being active and embracing challenges boosts self-esteem and overall well-being.

A Win-Win Situation

So, you see, my friends, retirees returning to work isn't just about personal fulfillment and financial security; it's also about building a more inclusive and dynamic workplace. We experience renewed purpose and mental stimulation, while organizations gain from our wisdom, experience, and strong work ethic.

Embracing this multigenerational approach fosters a harmonious and productive environment, bridging generational gaps. The return to the workforce enriches both personal and professional aspects of retirees' lives. With increasing longevity, we hope to see more organizations incorporating a multigenerational workforce.

In the end, it's a win-win for everyone involved. So, let's embrace the Silver Sparks and let them shine, bringing their wisdom and experience to reshape the work terrain. To read more about this inspiring movement, check out the full article here. It's time to celebrate age diversity and create workplaces that value the contributions of every generation.

Related Articles: Silver Sparks: Retirees Reshaping Work Terrain