The Power of Valuable Relationships in Starting Your Encore Career

As we journey into the exciting phase of an encore career, the terrain ahead is unfamiliar and often fraught with unique challenges that individual effort alone cannot solve. This is precisely where the concept of Who Not How, introduced by Dan Sullivan and Benjamin Hardy, becomes a significant beacon of strategy and approach. In this realm of rediscovery and professional rebirth, understanding the crucial role of relationships is not just beneficial; it’s indispensable.

Transitioning into an encore career means more than just changing jobs. It’s about redefining oneself and aligning with purposes and passions that may have been sidelined in earlier career stages. Here, the stakes are not just about achievement, but about finding fulfillment and making meaningful contributions. Therefore, the focus shifts sharply from the solitary pursuit of goals to the strategic building of alliances.

Why Relationships Matter

In Who Not How, the authors challenge the age-old belief that personal effort is the primary path to achieving one’s goals. They argue persuasively for a paradigm shift towards identifying and collaborating with the right people who can handle specific tasks with expertise. For someone stepping into an encore career, this approach is not just a shortcut to efficiency but a robust strategy for enhancing effectiveness and scope of impact.

  1. Leveraging Expertise: At this career juncture, time is incredibly valuable. By building relationships with skilled individuals, one can leverage their expertise to accomplish more, often beyond the perceived limits of one’s direct capability. This leverage is pivotal in accelerating career transition and grasping opportunities with a higher complexity that require specialized knowledge.

  2. Expanding Horizons: Solid professional relationships open up new horizons. They provide insights into industries, processes, and innovations that remain outside one’s immediate knowledge realm. This expansion is crucial during an encore career as it often involves venturing into either new fields or deeper, unexplored layers of familiar terrains.

  3. Shared Effort, Multiplied Success: Collaborations multiply potential for success. When individuals share a vision and contribute mutually towards common goals, the resultant synergy can surpass individual efforts significantly. This shared journey not only smoothes out many operational hurdles but also enriches the experience with diverse perspectives and ideas.

Building the Right Relationships

Understanding why relationships matter is a start, but knowing how to build and nurture these relationships is where the real work begins. Based on the strategies suggested in Who Not How, here’s how you can start:

  • Identify the ‘Whos’: In building your encore career, identify roles that need expertise you either don’t possess or prefer not to develop. Look for individuals or communities with these skills. Networking events, online platforms, and even old business contacts can serve as valuable resources.

  • Recruitment and Collaboration: Once identified, the challenge is to engage these ‘Whos’. Clear communication of your vision and the mutual benefits of the collaboration is essential. Be transparent about expectations and be open to what these potential partners can bring to the table.

  • Foster Mutual Growth: True partnership thrives on mutual growth. Ensure that your collaborations offer reciprocal value. This could be in the form of shared profits, enhanced skills, or expanded networks. The goal is to make the relationship beneficial enough to sustain long-term engagement.

  • Maintain Relationships: Finally, like any valuable asset, relationships need maintenance. Regular check-ins, appreciation for work done, and ongoing support for partners’ ventures are practices that keep the professional bond strong and productive.

Transitioning into an encore career offers a significant opportunity to redesign one’s professional life. It’s an exciting journey that blends the wisdom of past experiences with the zeal for new ventures. Such a journey, though, is not meant to be walked alone. By embracing the strategy of Who Not How, retirees stepping into new career phases can unlock potentials previously unimaginable, turn visions into tangible successes, and perhaps most importantly, journey through this phase not as isolated professionals but as integral parts of a thriving, supportive network. Let your encore career be not just a testimony of personal resilience but a beacon of collaborative success.

Transform Your Career with Insights from Working Identity

As we find ourselves meandering along the path of life, we occasionally pause, reflect, and sometimes, feel the stirrings of a desire for change. This desire, particularly when it nudges us towards a career change, can be both a thrilling and somewhat intimidating endeavor. At this stage of our journey, where experience has painted our perspectives with broad strokes of wisdom, the prospect of reinventing ourselves professionally can seem like navigating through a dense fog. Yet, it is within this fog that we discover rays of light, guiding us towards clarity and purpose. One such beacon of insight that has illuminated the path for many, including myself, is Herminia Ibarra's "Working Identity: Unconventional Strategies for Reinventing Your Career."

In our quest for transformation, we often grapple with uncertainties and questions about our professional identity, seeking direction on how to move forward. Herminia Ibarra, a luminary in the realms of career development and organizational behavior, offers a lantern to light our way. Through her seminal work, Ibarra challenges the traditional narratives that have long governed the discourse on career change. "Working Identity" unfurls before us an enriching tapestry of how successful career changers actually journey through the process of redefining who they are, professionally speaking.

Central to Ibarra's thesis is the pivotal role of experimentation in unearthing new professional paths. Contrary to the oft-touted advice of introspective soul-searching, Ibarra advocates for a more hands-on approach. It is by dipping our toes into diverse professional waters that we discover where our true passions and interests lie. This pragmatic strategy encourages us to step beyond our comfort zones, to explore and engage with the world in ways we might not have previously considered.

Moreover, Ibarra underscores the significance of networking, particularly with individuals outside our immediate circle. Such connections, often unexpected, can open doors to opportunities that resonate with our evolving career aspirations. These new relationships become the threads that weave the rich tapestry of our professional lives, guiding us through the labyrinth of career change.

An intriguing concept introduced by Ibarra is the "identity workspace," a metaphorical arena where we can safely experiment and test out new professional identities. This space allows for trial and error, enabling us to gradually refine and adapt our career vision. It's a gentle reminder that the journey of reinventing ourselves is one of patience, persistence, and incremental discovery.

"Working Identity" acknowledges that career transformation is not a straight path but a winding road filled with trials, errors, and revelations. Ibarra's empathetic and realistic approach reassures us that it is okay to embrace uncertainty and adopt a spirit of exploration and courage.

For those contemplating a change or seeking to redefine their professional trajectory, "Working Identity" serves not just as a book, but as a compass, guiding you through the complex process of career reinvention. If the themes touched upon here strike a chord with you, I warmly invite you to delve deeper into Ibarra's work. Perhaps, over a cup of coffee, we can share our experiences and insights, enriching our journey towards professional growth and discovery.

The path to reinventing one's career, though fraught with challenges, is brimming with opportunities for growth, exploration, and ultimately, the fulfillment of aligning our professional lives with our deepest passions and aspirations. Let us embrace "Working Identity" as a companion on this transformative expedition, shedding light on our path to a rewarding and purpose-driven career.

Remember, my friends, in the grand tapestry of career transformation, the only constant is change itself. But armed with the right insights and strategies, such as those offered by Ibarra, we can navigate this change with grace, leading to new horizons of opportunity and fulfillment.

I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Harnessing Your Transferable Skills for an Encore Career After 50

As the sun rises on the horizon, signaling the start of another day, I find myself reflecting on the journey that has brought me to where I am now. At 74 years young, I've walked many paths, worn many hats, and learned a few lessons along the way. Today, I'm here to share with you not just my story, but a guide—a beacon, if you will—for those of you standing at the crossroads, contemplating a transition from the corporate world into an encore career that fills your heart with joy and satisfaction.

If you're 50 or older and find yourself yearning for a change, know that you're not alone. It's a thrilling time, ripe with possibilities and ripe for exploration. You might feel a bit daunted by the prospect, and that's perfectly normal. But within you lies a treasure trove of valuable, transferable skills, honed over decades of experience. These are the keys to unlocking a fulfilling next chapter in your life.


Leadership, my friends, is more than just guiding others; it's about inspiring them to join you on a journey towards a common goal. Your years have undoubtedly furnished you with the wisdom to lead with compassion and conviction. Consider roles that allow you to share this wisdom, such as consulting or steering a nonprofit.


Communication is the art of connection. Through words spoken, written, or simply felt, you have the power to bridge gaps and build relationships. Your experience has likely made you a master communicator, an invaluable skill in any field, particularly in roles centered around teaching, writing, or public speaking.


Problem-Solving is a skill you've refined through years of navigating life's twists and turns. This ability to think critically and creatively is your compass, guiding you through uncharted territories. Look for opportunities where you can challenge and be challenged, such as in consulting or entrepreneurship.

Time Management

Time Management has probably become second nature to you, allowing you to juggle life's many responsibilities with grace. This skill is a cornerstone of success in roles that demand organization and efficiency, like project management or event planning.


Negotiation is all about finding the middle ground, and your experience has taught you that empathy and listening are just as important as speaking. This skill can serve you well in fields like sales, mediation, or partnership development.

Strategic Thinking

Strategic Thinking is a powerful tool, enabling you to envision and enact plans that lead to success. Your knack for seeing the big picture makes you well-suited for consulting, management, or business development roles.


Networking is not merely about collecting contacts but about cultivating meaningful relationships. Your network is a garden you've tended over the years; don't hesitate to reach out to it for support and opportunities as you embark on your new journey.

Project Management

Project Management is about bringing visions to life, coordinating efforts to achieve a common goal. Your experience here positions you perfectly for roles that require leadership, organization, and a keen eye for detail.

Conflict Resolution

Conflict Resolution skills have likely been honed through both professional and personal experiences. These abilities are invaluable in settings that require diplomacy and understanding, such as human resources or counseling.


Coaching/Mentoring is perhaps one of the most rewarding paths you can pursue, offering guidance and support to others as they navigate their own journeys. Your wisdom can illuminate the way for the next generation in roles related to education, consulting, or career counseling.


Adaptability has become second nature to you, allowing you to thrive in an ever-changing world. This flexibility is a significant asset in any field, particularly in roles that demand quick thinking and resilience, like entrepreneurship or consulting.

In closing, remember that your life's tapestry, woven with diverse experiences and skills, is unique and valuable. As you consider your encore career, know that you are not stepping back but rather stepping forward into a new chapter that holds the promise of fulfillment and joy. Embrace the journey with an open heart and mind, and let your wealth of knowledge and experience be your guide. Together, let's redefine what it means to retire, not as an end, but as a beautiful new beginning.

Navigating Change with Wisdom: A Guide to Thriving in Your Encore Life

An illustration that captures the essence of transition and growth into retirement, embodying the themes of adaptability, exploration, and vibrant new

As I sit down to reflect on my journey from the early days as an Engineer to my current role as a transition coach at 74, I'm reminded of a pivotal moment that reshaped my understanding of change. It was a simple insight shared by a consultant, "It's not about the numbers, it's about how people feel about the change," that led me to realize change is indeed an "inside" job. This epiphany has guided me through countless transitions, not just in my professional life but in the personal realm as well, especially as I navigated the shift towards retirement.

For many of us, the twilight years of our careers present a paradox. The prospect of retirement brings with it excitement for the future yet also a sense of trepidation about stepping away from a lifetime of routine and identity built around our work. It's a transition that requires not just a change in our daily schedules, but a profound transformation in our mindset and approach to life. Here, the art of change management becomes a critical ally.

The Essence of Adaptability in Encore Life Planning

Traditionally, change management is a concept applied within the corporate world to guide organizations through transition. However, its principles are just as pertinent to our personal lives, especially as we embark on the journey of retirement. This phase, which I like to call the "encore life," is not about winding down but rather about embracing new opportunities with vigor and enthusiasm. As Winston Churchill wisely put it, “To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” Perfection in our encore lives means continuously seeking joy and fulfillment, evolving our passions and interests.

The Interplay of Change Management and Encore Living

Transitioning into encore living is essentially about redefining who we are beyond our professional titles. It's a time to explore and commit to new paths that are aligned with our deepest passions and the legacy we wish to leave. The stages of change—from denial and resistance to exploration and commitment—mirror the emotional journey many of us experience as we approach and enter retirement.

Crafting the New Status Quo

The beauty of encore life is in its dynamism. It offers us a canvas to redefine norms and carve out a lifestyle that truly reflects our innermost desires. This period is an invitation to live life in full color, embracing the wisdom of figures like RuPaul, who reminds us that life is about using "the whole box of crayons."

Next Steps to Cultivate Change Management for Your Encore Life

Embarking on this vibrant chapter requires intentional change management. Start by assessing your strengths and areas for growth. Define what a meaningful, engaging encore life looks like for you. Embrace lifelong learning, build a supportive community, and develop a flexible plan that can evolve with you. Remember, change is a constant companion on this journey, and your ability to adapt and refine your path will be key to experiencing the full richness of your encore life.

As we navigate these waters, let us be inspired by the wisdom of Socrates, "The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new." Your encore life is a grand adventure waiting to be embraced with open arms and a willing heart. At, we're here to support you every step of the way, ensuring that your transition into this exciting new chapter is managed with grace, purpose, and zest.

Let's embark on this transformative journey together, crafting an encore life filled with new discoveries, meaningful engagements, and boundless joy.

Now, I’d love to hear from you.
