#139: The Power of Peer Groups in Creating an Encore Career

In this episode, we are talking to Jonathan Milligan about how he is helping entrepreneurs develop their businesses through training, coaching, and live events.

I first worked with Jonathan when I was beginning the journey of starting my business. Now, I’m a member and a coach in his group coaching practice. 

Today, Jonathan shares how he got started and how his business grew and developed. He will talk about how, after creating a successful business, he then moved on to a deeper question: “Am I making a difference, as well as making money?”

Jonathan will also share how he discovered the importance of building relationships. He realized that they are just as important as providing knowledge. Related to this, Jonathan and I get into how he has added the elements of Live events and Group/Peer coaching to help people even more. He’ll talk about how he found that a key to creating impact was helping people feel heard as well as teaching them.


We'll dive deeper into these concepts:

  • Jonathan’s business-building story.

  • Why he began asking himself if he was truly making a difference.

  • How he went from having a course to working with people.

  • Why he likes the group coaching model and how he does it.

  • How to put on a successful live event.

  • Jonathan’s business-building roadmap.

  • The “do this next” mindset.


Now, for some action steps:

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I thank you so much for being here and I’ll see ya next time on Creating Your Encore Career.

— Lynn

Episode 139

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