#140: What is a 60 Year Career and Why Would I Want One?

Have you ever heard of 60 year career?


From age 1 to 20, we are in our learning stage. From age 21 to 80, we are earning. From age 81 to 100, we are in elderhood. 


This looks very different from the way our parents lived their lives. Many of them retired at age 55 to 60. However, because people are living longer than ever nowadays, we may only be halfway through our lives when we turn 55. We must take some time to consider what we will do with all of the time we have left.


This isn’t just about Boomers. It will apply to everyone moving forward. So, let’s discuss the concept of the 60 year career.

In this episode, I discuss some ways you can change your mindset around and approach to aging. I provide some tips that help you understand why you’d want a 60 year career and how to make the most of it.


We'll dive deeper into these concepts:

  • What a 60 year career looks like.

  • How our world is changing.

  • Why you would want a 60 year career.

  • How your thoughts about aging can affect your lifespan.

  • How to have a successful 60 year career.

  • The importance of technology today.


Now, for some action steps:

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I thank you so much for being here and I’ll see ya next time on Creating Your Encore Career.

— Lynn

Episode 139

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