#65: IoT and 5G with Jaimy Szymanski


One of the least favorite things in a manufacturing organization is to look for a certain stock you can't find. What would you do to eradicate that pain point? In this episode, I am going to be talking with Jaimy Szymanski about the findings she’s seeing in the Internet of Things and how manufacturing leaders can get started.

Jaimy is an industry analyst and a founding partner of Kaleido Insights, a platform that focuses on the impact of technology on customer experience (CX) and digital transformation. She advises digital leaders and change agents in managing digital transformation and innovation efforts to reach evolving consumers and employees. 

Your success is driven by what your processes are. At the end of the day, it's not about the technology you’re using, it's about where you want to get better. 


We'll dive deeper into these concepts:

  • Trends in sensors, drones, and augmented reality

  • What is blockchain technology?

  • What are the implications and opportunities for 5G

  • How these technologies relate to manufacturers

  • Some ideas on how to begin your journey

Some thoughts for you as a leader:

  • Focus on what makes you unique and how technology can make you faster, more efficient, more productive, and generate more revenue.

  • Focus on all those used cases that will help you really prove your value to customers and how you can compete with some of these other technology giants that are trying to get a lot of the share too.

Now, for some action steps:


Connect with Jaimy:

Website: https://www.kaleidoinsights.com/

Email: Jaimy@kaleidoinsights.com


Connect with Me:



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I thank you so much for being here and I’ll see ya next time on Leading the Factory Forward.

— Lynn

Episode 65

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