#141: Whiskey, Jazz and Leadership with Galen Bingham

In this episode, I am talking with Galen Bingham of Kiln Global Coaching. Galen is a leadership trainer, Certified Executive Coach, and the host of the podcast, Whiskey, Jazz and Leadership

He has 30 years of operating experience with Fortune 500 companies like Kraft Foods, Imperial Sugar and the Coca-Cola Company. Galen has coached or consulted with over 875 senior executives, CEOs and non-profit leaders across 7 countries.

I met Galen when we were both going through our coaching certification in Emotional Intelligence with Beyond EI. Having gone through this training, Galen and I both enjoy talking about self-awareness and how it’s related to leadership. We get into those topics in this episode. We also discuss how it can be hard for leaders to find the right words that have the most impact on the people they're leading. 

Tune in to hear all of Galen’s great insights and knowledge on becoming great as a Leader.


We'll dive deeper into these concepts:

  • How the primary skill of great leadership is self-awareness.

  • How Galen helps Leaders find the right “words” to express their intentions.

  • How helping Leaders uncover their Big Purpose is both scary and enlightening.

  • How Galen’s 8-year-old daughter gave him some of his best coaching!

Now, for some action steps:

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— Lynn

Episode 139

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