Boomer Reinvention with John Tarnoff
As Boomers, we have to reinvent ourselves as companies themselves need to reinvent themselves. And one of the most effective ways to Creating Your Encore Career is to pull together different pieces of yourself to create some value that you can bring to the table.
Building a Strong Multi-Generational Workforce
It's not about one generation versus another generation, or that Boomers are better than Millennials or Gen Xers or Gen Z's. It’s about all of us pulling together and providing our respective strengths to produce more value, create better lives, more abundance, and better results more effectively across every business and every generation.
It's an individual personality trait, not so much a generational thing.
The broader economy is adapting to this freelance, entrepreneurial, consultant-based mindset versus the nine to five, show up at your job, keep your nose clean mindset.
Companies are looking for either specialized generalists or generalized specialists. It's not about knowing everything, but having some sense of how to get stuff done.
How to Create a Dream Career Over 50
As a specialist, you want to know what's going on in the contiguous areas of responsibility you're involved in so you can play some of the other roles and fill in where necessary.
As a generalist, you want to have one or two areas that you're specialized in so you have the reputation of producing some kind of value in whatever that role is.
Develop a niche for yourself and focus on that value proposition.
Use your network to connect to people who will understand it and who will be in the same tribe as you, get the value of it, and be able to either hire you or refer you to opportunities.