What I Learned from Your Message Matters

Your Message Matters is a book by Jonathan Milligan all about how to transform your passion into a platform. He sponsored a conference of the same name that is centered around the book. His mission is to help people create their own businesses that they’re interested in.

Today, I want to share some of my takeaways from the conference. I’ll also share about the process of the conference as a whole.

Content Pillars


The content that was taught at the conference was so informative and helpful. I grew as a business owner immensely from it. Some of the pillars include:


1. Joining and hosting masterminds

2. Podmatch: a way to get people to interview for your podcast and get on other shows. I signed up and, in one and a half days, I had 20 requests to be on my show and one request to be on another show.

3. FB Lead Ads

4. Mini-Membership sites

5. 1,000 buyers is equivalent to 16,000 followers


How to Host a Webinar

At the seminar, we discussed webinars as a part of our business growth strategy. Many business owners feel confused about where to start and how to run an actual webinar. One surefire way to host a great webinar is to follow this structure:

  • Teach topic - 20 minutes

  • Personal exercise  - 10 minutes

  • Breakout discussion - 10 minutes

  • Q & A - 10 minutes

  • Personal break - 10 minutes

My Action Steps

As I mentioned, the seminar helped me grow as a business owner as well. I left with many action steps. My key “do this next” tasks were:

  • Get more traffic (Podmatch)

  • Validate my offer (a 4-week boot camp)

  • Activate my customers (compact course)

  • Monetize my work (paid mastermind)

  • Subscribe for future clients (mini-membership site)

Design Elements from the Seminar

Finally, the process of the conference, the way it was run, and the design elements were very well done. Some of the things they included that I loved were community, interviews, breaks, and that it was virtual and in-person. Additionally, they included some fun things like a workbook, a card game, and having us capture our takeaways.


If there was one thing I took away most of all from this conference, it was that my message does matter. That’s what Jonathan shared and what I want to make sure you know as well. Your message matters, too, so get out there and share it.